Our world is in constant flux and to acknowledge personal capabilities and COVID restrictions, I have extended my services online. With my combined training in Massage Therapy, Manual Osteopathy, Acupuncture and Yoga, I am able to offer a well-rounded virtual service. Virtual services can take place over video or phone call.
A virtual Osteopathy appointment can have many benefits:
Help to determine cause for pain and discomfort
Address physical and psychological concerns
Offer tangible home-care recommendations
Provide red-flag analysis and help you advocate in your doctor’s office
Provide referrals
A virtual Osteopathy appointment may look like:
Time and space for you to share your concerns
Discuss limitations, imbalances, pain and more
Recommendations based on your specific concerns
Home-care demonstrations and breath work
Follow-up email with reminders
My prices for virtual appointments are as follows:
$65 for 30 minutes
$100 for 60 minutes
May you find peace in your body, wherever you area. - Nicole Settimi